- Do Contact an Experienced Child Protection Lawyer Immediately.
- It is critical that you have legal advice on what to say and what not to say to a child protection worker at the very beginning of a children’s aid society matter. This could help you avoid the case being taken to court immediately.
- Do be honest with your Toronto family lawyer about everything in question.
- Everything you say to your lawyer is confidential. Your lawyer will not discuss what you say to them with anyone else. Your lawyer must know what you know to help you navigate this difficult situation.
- Do Contact Legal Aid Immediately if you are Unable to Afford a Lawyer.
- Child Protection cases can be complicated and take some time to resolve. If you qualify for a Legal Aid Certificate, then Legal Aid Ontario will pay for your lawyer so you and your lawyer can fully focus on your case, rather than discussing its cost.
- Do attend any court appearances that are scheduled even if you have not yet hired a lawyer.
- If you miss court, then the court will proceed in your absence and may make court orders that affect you without your input. Attending court and participating means your voice will be heard by the Judge.
- Do behave in a reasonable manner with the CAS at all times.
- Dealing with a Children’s Aid Society is upsetting and frustrating. It is very important that you do not lose your temper. Try to be cooperative. CAS workers write down everything you say and then the Judge will hear about it. If there is a problem, then your lawyer will be your SWORD and your SHIELD.
- Don’t discuss any of the issues with the Child/Children.
- There is nothing that will upset your Judge more than involving the child in adult issues, especially the Court case. Your lawyer can help get your child’s view and wishes before the court by seeking a Court appointed lawyer for the child who is paid for by the government and is totally independent of the CAS.
- Don’t Discuss any of the issues with your ex-partner if you and the child’s other parent are separated.
- You never know what your ex-partner may say. Discussing it with them could harm your case. Talk to your lawyer first. Your lawyer can help develop a plan that will hopefully have your ex-partner on board with you rather than against you.
- Don’t Try to find out who reported you to the Children’s Aid Society or contact them.
- It doesn’t matter who reported you. Right now you have to deal with the case. Your lawyer may later be able find out who reported the case as part of the disclosure process and use that information appropriately.
- Don’t procrastinate about dealing with this matter. Contact a Toronto Child Protection Lawyer immediately.
- The start of your case is the most important time. Having an experienced Toronto family lawyer help you navigate the case at the early stages will help you to get the CAS out of your life faster.
- Don’t post anything on social media about your case or about your experience with the Children’s Aid Society.
- It is not only illegal but will likely delay getting the CAS out of your life if you post about your case. Again, contact an experienced Toronto Child Protection Lawyer to help you navigate the case so that everything you do helps to complete the case and get the CAS out of your life.