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Category Archives: Co-parenting

What is The Hague Convention on International Child Abduction and Can it Help Me?

A major concern for the clients of Toronto family lawyers is the real possibility that the other parent will take the child out of Canada and never return. If the other parent in your case has significant ties to another jurisdiction, you may share this concern. Continue reading

Can My Visitation Rights Be Limited?

In the context of Family Law, the terms “custody” and “visitation” (also called “access”) often become confused with each other. Custody is the right to make major life decisions for the child, including decisions about the child’s education, religion, and health care. Continue reading

Will my marriage survive the lockdown?

Will my marriage survive the lockdown? We have all heard the predictions. Coronavirus will be a goldmine for Toronto Family Lawyers. Covid-19 will cause an increase in separation and divorce. Divorce Lawyers can’t wait until the lockdown is lifted. The truth is, the best Family Lawyers will always prefer a happy couple to a couple who is locked in a custody battle. How can you ensure that the lockdown doesn’t result in separation and divorce? … Continue reading

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Will Co-Parenting Work After My Divorce or Separation?

WILL CO-PARENTING WORK AFTER MY DIVORCE OR SEPARATION? You want to separate or divorce but you also want to minimize the disruption on the children. You are in the middle of a custody battle but you want to try to find an amicable way to work with your ex-spouse. Have you considered co-parenting? Co-parenting after a divorce or separation involves both partners being actively involved in the lives of their children. It requires maturity, discipline … Continue reading

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