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Sandra is a recent call to the Ontario Bar. Before moving to private practice, Sandra articled, and subsequently worked as counsel, at the Family Responsibility Office (“FRO”). While at FRO, Sandra gained valuable negotiation skills and courtroom experience while helping families meet their support obligations. Sandra has significant experience before the Ontario Court of Justice and the Superior Court of Justice, where she has been involved in hundreds of cases.
During law school at Western University, Sandra was the program coordinator for the Pro Bono Students Canada Family Law Project, where she assisted numerous un-represented litigants with legal information and the drafting of court documents. Sandra also trained student volunteers throughout the school year to provide similar support in the areas of decision-making, parenting time and support.
Sandra appreciates that navigating the legal process can be daunting for those dealing with family law issues and strives to assist clients by distilling that ‘legalese’ into accessible information. Sandra endeavors to advise her clients on reasonable resolutions that are ultimately cost-effective and sustainable. In addition to Sandra’s passion for family law, Sandra enjoys reading, art, and learning new languages. Sandra practices in association with Allan Goldstein. She is not an employee or a partner of Allan Goldstein, Allan Michael Goldstein Law P.C., or the GOLDSTEIN Divorce & Family Law Group.