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The practice of family law includes far more than divorce cases. A well-rounded family law practice such as that of GOLDSTEIN Divorce & Family Law Group can handle any type of legal challenge pertaining to the family. When legal issues arise that affect the well-being of your family, it is time to contact experienced family lawyers like Allan Goldstein. Our lawyers have the experience and legal knowledge to advise you not only about divorce and separation, but about any type of family law matter.
Divorce and separation are two of the most common family law issues where Toronto Family Lawyers or Toronto Divorce Lawyers are required. A divorce goes beyond the simple dissolution of a marriage, and a separation is often the beginning of a number of difficult decisions that will have to be made. The legal negotiations and proceedings related to divorce and separation can be confusing and stressful without the aid of a good lawyer. Allan Goldstein and his team of top family lawyers in Toronto are committed to providing you with the best legal representation throughout your separation process, including all of the related matters regarding your children: child custody and access, support and visitation, and parenting plans. We can also advise you and help protect your rights in matters related to property division, spousal support (alimony), and even restraining orders. Allan Goldstein and his team strive to provide every client with the best possible outcome while at the same time being some of the most affordable family lawyers in Toronto.
Domestic violence is another subject that Toronto Divorce Lawyers deal with. Whether you have been the victim of abuse or are facing allegations that you have been abusive, you need experienced family lawyers on your side. You need a lawyer who is not afraid to advocate for you in court and do whatever is necessary to protect your legal rights. Allan Goldstein and his team have extensive experience representing clients who are dealing with matters of domestic violence; we understands the complex psychological and emotional issues involved in domestic violence, and how those difficult dynamics intersect with complex areas of law. Our lawyers are some of the best family lawyers in Toronto when it comes to dealing with domestic violence cases. Call today to schedule your consultation and find out how he can help you and your family move through this difficult experience.
When one thinks about family law, often the first thing that comes to mind is a hard fought battle over custody of children. While these family law cases are often stressful and sad, fortunately, many couples are able to navigate their way towards a successful negotiated resolution of child custody matters. The Toronto Family Lawyers of the GOLDSTEIN Divorce & Family Law group have many years of experience as child custody lawyers. We can help you to reduce the temperature of your case and assist you towards a fair and reasonable settlement. However, don’t be fooled…if necessary, we can also fight hard for your rights in court!
Our team of Toronto Divorce Lawyers are also some of the best child custody lawyers in Toronto. Let us show you our step-by-step approach to helping you get custody of your child(ren). Let out team of experienced child custody lawyers assist you with what is the most important thing in your life….your child(ren). Call today to schedule your consultation and find out how he can help you get custody of your children!
Now that our experienced family lawyers have helped you get custody of your child(ren), you are in need of child support. Our lawyers have been fighting to get children the child support they deserve for decades. Whether your ex-spouse has a job or is self-employed, our child support lawyers won’t rest until we have turned over every stone in an effort to put money into your hands for the benefit of your children. We have even been known to get child support orders against the unemployed!
The child support lawyers of the GOLDSTEIN Divorce & Family Law Group will take the time needed to explain what is meant by “Table child support”, what the “Child Support Guidelines” are, and what the court means when it refers to “s.7 expenses”. Our Toronto Family Lawyers are some of the best family lawyers in Toronto at teaching you the ins and outs of child support law while at the same time fighting hard to get you the money you deserve.
Call today to schedule your consultation and find out how our Toronto child support lawyers can help!
Spousal support is a payment of money for you (not for your children). Spousal support used to be called “Alimony”. Did you know that you may be entitled to spousal support even if you are already getting child support? Did you know that you may be entitled to spousal support even if you aren’t married? Did you know that you may be entitled to spousal support even if you don’t have any children? Did you know that you may be entitled to spousal support even if you earn a good income yourself? All of this could very well be true. Let the experienced Toronto family lawyers of the GOLDSTEIN Divorce & Family Law Group explain to you how the law of spousal support woks. Our experienced Toronto divorce lawyers will be able to tell you whether or not you are entitled to spousal support and how much spousal support you may be able to receive. Then, let us work hard to get you the spousal support you deserve.
Call today to schedule your consultation and find out how our Toronto spousal support lawyers can help!
The process of dividing property after a separation or divorce can be a complicated and technical one. Many calculations may be involved. Assets may have to be valued (including the values of businesses and pensions). Debts have to be considered. If you have a case that involves complex property division, then it is crucial that you retain the services of an experienced Toronto family lawyer. It is also crucial that you retain the services of the best Toronto family lawyer that you can afford. The Toronto divorce lawyers of GOLDSTEIN Divorce & Family Law Group have decades of experience handling even the most complex property division cases. Let us teach you what is meant by the “property equalization formula” and “net family property”. Let us explain why you may still have rights to a property division settlement even if you are not married! We are eager to help you with a process that could have a major impact on your financial future.
Call today to schedule your consultation and find out how our Toronto divorce lawyers can help with the issue of property division!
If you are fortunate enough not to have to deal with the issues of custody, child support, property division or others, then you may only need a simple divorce. The Toronto divorce lawyers of the GOLDSTEIN Divorce & Family Law Group can help you through the process of getting a simple divorce. We can explain the difference between an uncontested divorce and a joint divorce. Our Toronto family lawyers can walk you through the process in a very affordable way. We have some of the best divorce lawyers in Toronto when it comes to getting a fast and simple divorce.
Call today to schedule your consultation and find out how our affordable divorce lawyers can help you get a simple divorce!
Child protection matters are also an important topic in family law. If the Children’s Aid Society, Catholic Children’s Aid Society, Jewish Family and Child Services or Native Family and Child Services have become involved in your family’s life, then it is time to seek the assistance of the best family lawyers in Toronto. Our affordable family lawyers can help you understand the role of these agencies and advise you about your rights and your options. A qualified, competent Toronto family lawyer will be able to deal with CAS cases efficiently, advocating for your family’s rights. The GOLDSTEIN Divorce & Family Law Group has experienced family lawyers who regularly advise clients about child protection issues.
Call today to schedule your consultation and find out how our Toronto family lawyers can help you deal with the Children’s Aid Society!