Tag Archives: Family Law

Will my marriage survive the lockdown?

Will my marriage survive the lockdown? We have all heard the predictions. Coronavirus will be a goldmine for Toronto Family Lawyers. Covid-19 will cause an increase in separation and divorce. Divorce Lawyers can’t wait until the lockdown is lifted. The truth is, the best Family Lawyers will always prefer a happy couple to a couple who is locked in a custody battle. How can you ensure that the lockdown doesn’t result in separation and divorce? … Continue reading

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Parental alienation in the time of Coronavirus and COVID 19

Parental alienation in the time of Coronavirus and COVID 19 You have children. You are separated or divorced. The children live with your ex spouse but you see them pretty regularly…at least you did until Coronavirus and Covid 19! It seems that since the pandemic started your ex spouse is doing all he or she can to keep the children from you. Your ex is simply not being reasonable. He or she is throwing up … Continue reading

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How will Coronavirus and COVID 19 affect access to my child?

How will Coronavirus and COVID 19 affect access to my child? You have a court order for access from an Ontario family court. Everything was going well. You were seeing your child and your ex was co-operating. Then the coronavirus happened and everything stopped! What are your rights? How does Covid 19 affect your access rights? How does coronavirus affect your access rights? The answer to this question depends on the specific fact of each … Continue reading

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Parental Alienation in Child Custody Disputes

Parental Alienation in Child Custody Disputes You have children. You are separated or divorced. You want to see your children but your ex is doing all he or she can to keep them from you. You tell your lawyer that parental alienation is going on. You tell your lawyer that your ex keeps denigrating you to the children. The children are being brainwashed against you! Your relationship with them is being undermined. Is this a … Continue reading

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My child is an adult. Do I still have to pay child support?

My child is an adult. Do I still have to pay child support? In Ontario, child support is dealt with under the Divorce Act (for parents who are divorcing) and under the Family Law Act (for parents who are not married or are, at least not divorcing). Sometimes the court will consider both the Family Law Act and the Divorce Act in making a child support order. S.31 (1) of the Family Law Act states: … Continue reading

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Minefields for Warring Parents

Minefields for Warring Parents Most parents going through a custody dispute want what is best for their children… but do they know how to get there? The stress of having to deal with family court, child support, perhaps a custody battle… it can leave you depleted. It can leave you emotionally exhausted. It can lead you to act in ways which are NOT typical for you and which are NOT in the best interests of … Continue reading

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When Does Child Support End?

WHEN DOES CHILD SUPPORT END? You have been paying child support for so many years? When will these child support payments finally end? Or……you have been receiving child support for such a long time. Can you continue to receive it? Child support doesn’t necessarily end when a child reaches 18 years of age. Under the Divorce act and the Family Law Act there is actually no upper age limit when child support ends. For the … Continue reading

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Child support and the Family Responsibility Office

CHILD SUPPORT AND THE FAMILY RESPONSIBILITY OFFICE Are you looking for child support? Do you have a child support order? By now you have probably heard of the Family Responsibility Office (FRO). If not, they are the government agency in charge of enforcing child support orders. Think of them as a government collection agency that helps out in family law cases. You can read about the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) in my other blogs. This … Continue reading

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The Children’s Aid Society (CAS) has taken my child. What do I do?

THE CHILDREN’S AID SOCIETY (CAS) HAS TAKEN MY CHILD. WHAT DO I DO? This is a very difficult time for a parent.  The Children’s Aid Society (CAS) is interfering in your life and telling you how to parent your child.  Maybe you haven’t been getting your kids to school on time or they have missed a lot of school.  Maybe there are issues with drugs or domestic violence.  This type of court case is not … Continue reading

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Pets… are they part of the family or just another piece of property?

Pets…. are they part of the family or just another piece of property? I’m a dog lover…. I always have been. To be honest, I don’t really trust people who don’t like animals. What could be wrong with cuddling up with a nice, furry dog or cat that only wants to be fed and give you love. It’s this exact kind of thinking that leads people to humanize their pets. You know what I’m talking … Continue reading

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