Tag Archives: Family Responsibility Office
Child Supportchild support paymentCoronavirusCovid 19Family Responsibility OfficeHow will Coronavirus and COVID 19 affect child support?
How will Coronavirus and COVID 19 affect child support? You have a court order for child support from an Ontario family court. Everything was going well. You were getting your child support. Your ex was paying child support every month on time. Then the coronavirus happened and everything changed. Your ex says that he lost his job and can’t pay anymore. What are your rights? How does Covid 19 affect child support? How does coronavirus … Continue reading
Child support and the Family Responsibility Office
CHILD SUPPORT AND THE FAMILY RESPONSIBILITY OFFICE Are you looking for child support? Do you have a child support order? By now you have probably heard of the Family Responsibility Office (FRO). If not, they are the government agency in charge of enforcing child support orders. Think of them as a government collection agency that helps out in family law cases. You can read about the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) in my other blogs. This … Continue reading