Tag Archives: Property Division

Pets… are they part of the family or just another piece of property?

Pets…. are they part of the family or just another piece of property? I’m a dog lover…. I always have been. To be honest, I don’t really trust people who don’t like animals. What could be wrong with cuddling up with a nice, furry dog or cat that only wants to be fed and give you love. It’s this exact kind of thinking that leads people to humanize their pets. You know what I’m talking … Continue reading

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Property Division

How is property divided upon marriage breakdown? Upon marriage breakdown, parties in Ontario are free to divide their property any way they choose. However, if they cannot agree on how property is to be divided, then the court will use a formula to determine the issue. The formula involves “equalizing the net family properties” of the parties. The net result is a payment from one party to the other (the “equalization payment”). Once the equalization … Continue reading
