Tag Archives: toronto family lawyer
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CASChild Protection caseschild protection workerchildren’s aid societyCourt appointed lawyerExperienced Child Protection Lawyerexperienced Toronto family lawyerToronto Child Protection Lawyertoronto family lawyerUnable to Afford a Lawyer10 Do’s and Don’ts of Dealing with the Children’s Aid Society
It is critical that you have legal advice on what to say and what not to say to a child protection worker at the very beginning of a CAS matter. Continue reading
Mediation for a less painful divorce: A Toronto family lawyer and mediator offers his advice
Like many divorcing couples, you and your spouse may be considering using a mediator to assist you in resolving your issues, but you might be unclear about what a mediator actually does. Unlike arbitrators, mediators do not make decisions or determinations as to the rights of the parties or the allocation of property. They will, however, help the couple negotiate and structure their own agreement. A mediated agreement has the advantage of substantially increasing the … Continue reading
Tagged Advice, Mediation, toronto family lawyer